Night Elves (March 2022)
Night Elves (March 2022)
[March 2022 Release] Legends speak that underneath the depths of the crashing waves, where no light is allowed to shine, lays a creature resting in a deep slumber....awaiting its time to arise. With a fercious roar and several heads upon its shoulders, this fearsome Haidora can bring down any ship that has the displeasure of accidently crossing its path. Some say that its many heads can even turn on each other, it is so ruthless. It yearns for destruction and its fury has no bounds.....
However, there may be some hope still on the horizon. Riding their mammoths clad in the strongest of armors, come forth the formidable Hisui Guard warriors from far away lands. Trained in close combat using decorated halberds and helmets embellished with massive crescent moons appearing as horns, one would think a demon themself has come to harvest their souls.
Amongst the Hisui Guard are a pack of Raijus, with glaring eyes and teeth bared ready for flesh. These Raijus are accompanied with their slavers, being forced against their wills to fight with the use of magical electric shocks and the thunderous cracks of a whip. Will these Raijus find a way to turn on their enslavers? Or will they take their wrath out on whomever their masters declare as enemies?