Fear The Old God
Fear The Old God
[May 2022 Release] "Perameridian… Beautiful blue canals snaking through its streets, a hub of commerce and life. Now the streets stand empty, the residents cowering in the corners of their homes. The city canals run deep into the city, and the deeper they go, the stronger the corruption that has overtaken Perameridian becomes. Hogs the size of three men feast on corpses, feral dogs rip and tear flesh from bone. Deformities, the like only the foulest of gods could bestow upon living things, plague these creatures. Disgusting maws used to lap up the gore of those that fall prey to them. Growths of flesh breaking the skin creating festering wounds. The corruption thickens as you near the center. The residents that once thrived in the beautiful innards of the city now hobble through its streets, instruments for His goals and ambitions. The sentries patrol the streets, hooves on stone, ensuring any they find are properly turned. The Mistresses stand guard of Him. Masks concealing horrors that lie beneath. Abominable creatures twisted in the forms of arachnids, weapons in hand. Not even wood and stone are safe from this evil seed, houses further in twist and turn into one another. Hallways that lead to nowhere jaunt out the ceilings, masses of flesh propagate from the windows into the streets. All within His range of influence are subject to His will. He is nameless, faceless, all consuming corruption…"