Brawns & Brains - January 2022 by Uproar Design & Print

Brawns & Brains


    Brawns & Brains

    [January 2022 Release] "Wretched experiments against men by Goliaths during the first age gave birth to the horrific psychic abominations known as Psyflayers across Tharador. Chalked up by most as a children’s tale and fantasy, there have been few that know the true existence of the abominable race, and fewer still that live to tell it. Now they sit deep in the depths of the ancient Goliath ruins of Duoarastat where they fester and multiply, their tendrils pouring over the minds of Tharador’s elite and driving events in motion from afar."

    This pack is from the Depths of Duoarastat - January Campaign.